Solo Lesson
This lesson will introduce you to the basics of Git and GitHub. It will prepare you to use these tools for individual assignements and projects.Contents
- Setup Git and GitHub
- Make your first Repo
- Push code to GitHub
Team Lesson
You're gonna need a friend for this one. This lesson will go over how multiple people can work on the same project at the same time.Contents
- Fork and Clone Repos
- Create and Merge PRs
- Resolve Merge Conflicts
Pro Lesson
Shits about to get real. This lesson will go over how Git is used in the real world and some best practices to go along with it.Contents
- Use and manage Branches
- Sync code on Branches
- Implement GitHub Flow
Bonus Lesson
For those who are willing to go the extra mile. This lesson introduces tools and resources that will help you to be more productive.Contents
- LazyGit and Git Aliases
- Setup GitHub README
- Write Docs using Markdown