
This Solo lesson is designed to be a quick introduction to the basics of Git and GitHub. It will lay the foundation for the rest of the course and will help you get started with your first repository. The entirety of CS000 will use C++ as the language. The skills you learn here will be applicable to any language.

Who Is This For?

This lesson is for anyone who wants to learn how to use Git and GitHub. That being said, the target audience for this are students from the University of South Pacific. Course codes specific to these universities are will be used, and the lessons will heavily follow the structure of the first-year programming courses.

How To Take CS000?

I highly recommend grabbing a friend or a colleague who is interested. Have them also open up a browser window with CS000 and go together. You help them out where they get stuck and vice versa. The other 2 lessons are also better done if you be with another person to better understand the concepts, so might as well to this together too. Thought this is a recommendation, not a requirement.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: