Recap Activity

Firstly, congratulations on completing the previous chapters. You are now ready to daily drive Git as a solo developer. To help you gain familiarity, I have one homework assignment for you.

Organize Projects

You probably have a few projects lying around from previous semesters. I want you first move them all into the code directory we had created. Put them in subdirectories based on specific relationships if applicable. Something like this:

├── CS000
│   ├── math.cpp
│   ├── math.exe
│   └── .gitignore
├── CS111
│   ├── project1.cpp
│   └── project1.exe
└── CS112
    ├── project1.cpp
    └── project1.exe

Migrate Projects

Now, go and create GitHub repositories for each of the projects. Once you do that, use the terminal to go into each directory push the code to GitHub.