Team Workflow

Let’s discuss how you and your group members will work together. So at this basic level, we will not touch Git branches. They are very powerful, provided you can use it without nuking your entire project. It will be covered in the CS000 pro lesson.


There will be 2 main roles when working in a group. The first is of the project owner and the second is of the contributor.


This is the person that will create the repository for the assignment on GitHub. They will also add some starter code to give your group members a base to work from. This can include adding the main function along with the header files and constants required.

If you decide to be the owner, your main role will be to merge the pull requests from the contributors. This is basically letting other peoples code into your repo. You won’t have to merge your own code as you own the repo.


These are the people that will fork and clone the assignment repo. They will get their own copy of the main assignment code that is still linked to the original repo.

If you decide to be a contributor, your main role will be to sync your forked repo with the original repo. Along with this, you will need to pull the latest code from the original repo. After adding features, you will have to create a pull request to add your code to the main repo.